Monday, September 29, 2014

Just Plain Crazy

Perfectly describes the week right there. 

Tuesday- Sweater Weather!!!!! It was cold enough that we were able to wear sweaters. We taught our investigator Sis. Hunt. Still super prepared. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She talked about the baptism that she attended a lot. She just loved it. It was sweet. We were also able to contact a lady that we've been trying to meet for a few weeks. She says she wants to be taught again.

Wednesday- Miracle. We were riding with our ward mission leader and just as we passed a member's home, he got the impression to check on her. We taught the Plan of Salvation, and halfway through the lesson she received revelation and gave us a referral. It was sweet. We got 4 referrals today. 

Thursday- We got called to give a blessing to a baby at the hospital. We had to do some service real quick, then we scurried (we look awesome when we scurry) to the hospital. We came to find out that two hours after we gave the blessing, the baby was discharged. Super huge blessing to see the immediate results from a priesthood blessing.

Friday- We went and tried to contact Bro Johnson. He wasn't home. Just as we were leaving, we stopped this guy named Jermaine. He asked us where our church was and when it was. The guy invited himself to church!!! That never happens.

Saturday- I went on an exchange with Elder Morgan. We were doing Spanish work. I was pretty useless during the lessons haha. This guy kept asking me questions in Spanish, and I just kept telling his No Hablo, No Hablo. We saw him later and he gave us Pan Dulce. Basically sugar bread. Our mission President started a new policy called Walk & Talk. From 1-4 on Saturdays, we just walk the streets talking to people. Elder Morgan and I got lost in Uptown. We walked about 3 miles. Elder Morgan is such a funny guy.

Sunday- Jermaine called us and asked us if we were still going to get him a ride for church!!! This sort of stuff rarely if ever happens. We brought his Book of Mormon and the ward did an excellent job at saying hello. Sister Hunt also came and this was the perfect week. It was the primary program and she just loved it. It was a really good day.

Monday- Formatting it a bit differently today, but there's a reason. President Baker let us watch the movie "Meet the Mormons." It was a super good movie. It's a movie about 6 Members and their families. One of the people was preparing to serve a mission. His Mom had a super crazy conversion story. It really gave me a renewed sense of purpose. If you get the chance to see it, do it. It will be very worth your while.

Doesn't seem like too crazy of a week, but we were literally having to pedal hardcore from appointment to appointment. My legs are super sore from all this biking and walking. I love you all. Have a good week and remember that God loves you.


Elder Dumont

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sick week

Yep, I was sick for a good portion of the week. And it sucked.

Monday- We went bowling again at ECU. 

Tuesday- We contacted a referral we had received like a month ago, and he was very interested. We didn't have much time, but we scheduled a return appointment. We had another really good lesson with Paul and Susan. We taught the Word of Wisdom, and resolved a lot of their concerns.

Wednesday- Today was the day I got sick. Apparently there's a virus going around, and it was my turn to get it. I called our mission nurse and I was told to stay inside and keep hydrated. During the off time, Elder Zonts built me a new bike. Yeah you read that correctly, a new bike. He took some parts from my bike, and put them on a bike frame that someone had left.

Thursday- We had Zone Conference today. The area doctor (Doctor Dunn) and his wife came and spoke about stress. They said that 85% of illnesses are connected to stress. So I wasn't sick, I was stressed. I got a lot of insight on what I can do to become a better missionary.

Friday- We taught the Restoration to the referral (Earnest Ray). He said that he had been seeking knowledge from the Bible. We told him about Joseph Smith and he got really interested. We had a lesson with Derrick Johnson. Before the lesson began, he left the house, then came back and told us that he went and asked his neighbor if he wanted to come join in our lesson!!! This man is beautiful. We had a really good discussion.

Saturday- We had dinner with a member and she invited her friend (a former investigator) to dinner, so we got to meet him and talk with him a bit. And ECU beat UNC 70-41. GO PIRATES!!!!!!!

Sunday- We had Ward Conference. President Walker and his two counselors spoke and their talks were all really powerful. I could go on all day about the insight that I received, but ain't nobody got time for that. I will share a quote that I really liked. One of the counselors spoke about stress, which I've been under a lot lately. He said "Sometimes the Lord calms the seas, sometimes the Lord calms the Sailors." We are agents to act. We choose whether or not to be stressed. A scripture that I really like that talks about being calm is found in D&C 101:16 "For all flesh is in my hands; be still, and know that I am God."

Shout Out to Annalee and Sam. You two made my day with your letter.

That's all for now. I'm still recovering a bit, but it now looks like I'm in the clear. Elder Zonts and I are so alike, it's pretty ridiculous. I Love You All. Seek the Lord diligently, and he will bless you.

With Love,

Monday, September 15, 2014

It was a week...

Yep a full seven days. 168 hours. I'm really hyper today, so a good chance that half of this is not going to make sense. 

Monday- We totally went bowling. ECU has a deal on mondays, $1 games!!! (and played ping-pong apparently) We got pretty drenched while we were out biking. It was awesome. haha

Ping Pong is not my game

Tuesday- We were biking to do some service for one of our investigators, and my tire popped about 1 mile away. We once again got drenched. We saw Paul and Susan that night and had a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (totally spelled that right) lesson. We took a member of the stake high council with us, and he is just a spiritual giant. He told them things that they needed to hear. Susan committed to be baptized when she was ready, but Paul of course did not. 

Pretty and wet

Wednesday- We had a lesson with a recent convert named Tommy. We're working on getting him ready to go do baptisms for the dead in October. After our lesson, he wanted us to go with him to Salvation Army. We had a lesson with Sister Hunt. She is just too golden. We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and she told us that everything we told her was spiritual confirmation for what she already knew. She also loved the way we presented it. With Love.

Thursday- Today was rough. All of our appointments cancelled and nobody wanted to talk to us. We did help a Sister in the 1st ward get some stuff moved.

Friday- Tonight was pretty crazy. A recent convert in our ward wants us to teach her son the lessons before his baptism (he's 8). We taught him the Restoration, and tied it into Football (I don't know how, but it worked). We went and saw Derrick Johnson and talked with him for a bit. On our way out, we got stopped by the cops. They were the drug force assigned to Derrick's neighborhood. They asked us what we were doing, and we told them we were missionaries. We were finally allowed to go, and one of them said "I really respect what you guys are doing, keep up the good work." It was pretty awesome.

Saturday- Sister Hunt committed to going to a baptism in Lil Washington (I'm so hood it's awesome haha). It's about a half hour drive. We were scrambling all day to try to find a ride, so we could go with her. We found one at the very last minute. Super miracle. She really enjoyed the baptism, which was super good.

Sunday- We gave the lesson in Gospel Principles during Sunday School. The lesson was on the law of yeah. I refuse to disclose any further information about the lesson. We went out with a member to try and contact a less active on his home teaching route. We knocked on his door a couple of times, but no answer. We were writing him a note, and using a flashlight to help us see. As we were getting ready to leave, a screen door just slams open and this lady yells "Who are you, what do you want?" We told we were looking for her husband. She said he wasn't there, then she proceeded to wave a gun in front of us and said, "Don't do that!!! I saw someone shining a light through my door. I was ready to shoot someone." Pretty scary stuff. First time I've seen a gun on my mission, which is kind of surprising cause I work in the hood.

It was certainly an interesting 168 hours. Elder Zonts is super awesome. We are kindred spirits in a lot of ways. We basically blood brothers. Anyway, love you all. Excuse my hyperactivity. I don't know how to turn it off. Love you all. 

Elder (Doominator) Dumont

That's my bowling name.

Monday, September 8, 2014

New Beginnings

Monday- We had a lesson with our investigator Terry, who we hadn't seen in a while. We got in there and Elder Terril just started rebuking him and basically told him to get his crap together. It was Awesome!!!

Tuesday- There was a mission leadership conference call today. Every single Elder in my district is either a zone leader or a district leader for next transfer (except me of course). Everybody just came over to our apartment and did the call, so I just sat on the couch and wrote in my journal.

Wednesday- Probably the most stressful day of my mission. We had so many people to see, and not enough time to see them all. We had a lesson with Sister Hunt about listening to the Spirit. She still doesn't want to set a date for her baptism, but she'll pray about it.

Thursday- Transfers!!! Elder Terril and Elder Seastrand took a couple hours to pack, then we left for the church. The transfer van was super late, so that gave us some more time. I got to talk to Elder Siddoway for a while. That man is such a man. The transfer van finally showed up and I met Elder Zonts. He is awesome!!! Elder Morgan is Elder Coy's new companion. He is hilarious. I said goodbye to Elder Terril, then we went home. We had a dinner with a member family, then we went and taught Kent. We had a super good lesson with Kent and helped him see how much love God has for him personally.

Elder Terril

Elder Seastrand

Friday- Tonight was rough. We were going back and forth on our bikes, trying to find people to teach. No body could talk tonight, but we did set up a lot of appointments, and our legs got a good workout, cause we are men.

Saturday- We went to BOB (Breakfast Out Back) at Brother Sellars place. He does this every year in anticipation for the Collard Festival of Ayden. Ayden is a small town, whose claim to fame is Collards. Elder Zonts got to talk to a lot of members. We went back later in the evening to try to talk to people at the festival, but it was to loud.

Elder Zonts and Elder Dumont at the Garden of Ayden

Sunday- There were three baby blessings today. During one of them, the baby started wailing, and they couldn't get her to stop, so they decided to do it after Sacrament. As soon as they got off of the stage, the baby stopped crying haha. I think someone is afraid of being of being in the spotlight. It was pouring rain while we were biking. We went and visited Brother Johnson. He thought we were insane. He's such a funny guy. We got super drenched. It was legendary.

So...yep. Elder Terril is out, and Elder Zonts is in. Elder Zonts is a super good missionary. I'm really excited for this transfer. Our teaching pool is kind of diminished right now, but things are starting to look brighter.

Love you all. 

Elder Dumont

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Transfer Calls

I could tell you what's happening, but where would the fun be in that. I'll make you work for it mhuahaha.

Monday- Started the week off with a miracle. A member of the ward called us to see if we could go with him to give a blessing. It was going to be at the hospital, where he works. He forgot his badge, but we still went to see if we could get in through the worker's entrance and the door was unlocked!!! He was shocked cause he's gone through that door hundreds of times and it has never been unlocked!!! What a way to start the week.

Tuesday- We had dinner with the Garns (super awesome) and then had a meeting with the Bishop. We went to see a man named Dennis. We took a member with us named Brother Shaver and he was awesome. The first thing Brother Shaver said to Dennis was, "I'm giving a talk on Sunday and would love it if you were able to attend." Invitation right at the beginning!!! What a guy.

Wednesday- Our investigators Paul and Susan are moving to Raleigh, so we spent the entire morning helping them move some stuff to storage. They won't be leaving for a few weeks, so that's good. We had a lesson with Sister Hunt and we really had a powerful lesson. She committed to be baptized, but she just doesn't want to set a date right now.

Thursday- Another crazy morning. Elder Terril had a doctor's appointment. We were running around all morning. It was pretty hectic. We went and taught a lesson to a less active boy and his mom (she's an investigator) and had a really powerful lesson. They've been flaky in the past, so we'll see what happens.

Friday- We contacted a few formers and that did a lot of good. Every single one we contacted was super happy to see us. It was just wonderful.

Saturday- We went and did service early in the morning for David and the people that he lives with. They weren't there for it, which was kind of annoying. We haven't seen David since his baptism. We cleaned up their front yard, cause it was a mess. We finished and we went to a restaurant called Sup Dogs. Pictures to come from it. We got home and helped our new neighbor across the street move in his couches. After we finished talking with him, we got a call from President Baker. Elder Terril is leaving!!!!!!! He's going up to Newport News Virginia to be a Zone Leader and he's also going to be training. My new companion will be Elder Zonts from Idaho. He's coming down from Newport News. Elder Seastrand is also getting transferred. I think that there's only one companionship in the entire district that's staying together.

Cheese Fries Burger from Sup Dogs
Sunday- A lot of people were sad to hear that Elder Terril is leaving. We visited a Sister that we had been working with and she gave Elder Terril a UNC shirt, cause their his favorite team in North Carolina (ECU is way better).

So that's that. Elder Zonts will be here on Thursday. I've heard that he's a lot like me, so I'm a little nervous about that haha. I love you all. Have a blessed week


Elder Dumont